Mr. Robert Enrico Souza, aka, Robert Souza, was a reporter for The Castro Valley Forum newspaper. It was reported to me by a Forum employee on March 3, 2008, that Mr. Souza was no longer employed there.
Mr. Souza changed access to his MySpace page from anyone to only those approved by him when he learned of my contacting his employer on February 21, 2008.
Mr. Souza continues to write for the Castro Valley Forum. I assume he was un-fired. He is now listed as a contributing writer.
Mr. Souza has made approximately fifty comments on this site. All of which Mr. Souza made posing as other than himself.
The comments Mr. Souza posted were very derogatory about the Castro Valley Forum and his co-workers, and about the truthfulness of what I published on this site.
If Mr. Souza wants to claim anything I have published on this site that I have directly attributed to him is not true, Mr. Souza may submit any proof or corroboration he wishes by commenting using his email, the same email he has previously used when commenting on this site, anonymously.
Generally, truth is an absolute defense in a suit for defamation. In Mr. Souza's case it is 100% absolute as Mr. Souza has taken it upon himself to either libel, slander and/or defame his own person by posting on his MYSPACE page and this site.
The truth will prevail. Let us pray that common sense will also prevail.
4/16/08 -I do not expect to hear from Mr. Souza. 1/6/09 - I have not as of, January 6, 2009 - 8:11 a.m. PST - heard from Mr. Souza.
Updated April 16, 2008 – 11:40 p.m. PST
Updated January 6, 2009 - 8:11 a.m. PST - to date, no word from Robert Enrico Souza, aka Robert Souza, regarding approximately fifty comments on this site, all of which Mr. Souza made posing as other than himself.
1 comment:
Wow. Don't you think it would be a better use of your blog if you just said you hate everyone everywhere?
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