From:CV Forum Reader,,
Subject: Regarding story in Castro Valley Forum, 2/13/08 - "Tenants Weigh-In on Future of Abandoned Caltrans Property"
I have been a long time reader of the Castro Valley Forum. A neighbor was visibly shaken when she recounted to me the content of a MySpace blog, obviously authored by an employee of the CV Forum.
The February 6, 2008 issue of The Forum was still in my den and I've read the February 13, 2008 issue. I have been meaning to send this in earlier but the content gets more bizarre from day to day and I wonder what is going to be in his next post.
She remembered the story about the Nike missile location in an earlier Forum edition and your employee's comments in his MySpace blog prior to it being published. She connected the dots. From Mr. Souza's 1/15/08 blog - However, I'm going to visit an old Missile Silo that closed in like the 1960s!
After reading Mr. Souza's 2/4/08 blog: So aside from some hot action @ work where there was a fight & a stabbing that I got to take pictures and cover for Wednesday's issue, CV Forum, Boulevard Fight Ends in Stabbing – February 6, 2008 issue, page 22 … Confirmed without a doubt that he is the account holder of MySpace internet site,
I cannot help but editorialize on what I have read at this Forum employee's MySpace.
Anyone with a computer can access his MySpace account. My neighbor's child clicked on his name/picture at another MySpace page that they visited of a friend in Hayward.
If a MySpace account is designated by the account holder as accessible by friends only, then only those friends approved as such, can access it. That is currently not the case with your employee's MySpace blog. It has an inception date of 1/01/06. I have copied content from January 5, 2008, 1:07 AM, to present. I had to apply for a MySpace account to access earlier content, in particular the comments venue.
When Mr. Souza inserted a subjective opinion into a story not yet published, on a public website that can be accessed by anyone, any journalistic integrity he possessed can no longer be assumed. What he has made public on his MySpace blog is beyond the pale.
Well its late, so you'll be goddamn lucky if you get anything from me right now....I had a meeting tonight that was full of bullshit and hot air...but it'll make an okay story for next weeks issue. 2/6/08 blog, excerpted.
Mr. Souza is referencing in his 2/6/08 blog, CV Forum story, Tenants Weigh-In on Future of Abandoned Caltrans Property – February 13, 2008 issue, page 3. Mentioned by name or association in that article were:
Nate Miley, 4th District1221 Oak St., Ste 536Oakland, CA 94612Ph. (510) 272-6694/Fax (510) 465-7628 -Email:
contact Seth Kaplan /
Sara Buizer, AICP, Senior Planner
City of Hayward, Planning Division
777 "B" Street
Hayward, CA 94541
Phone: (510) 583-4191 Fax: (510) 583-3649
Mr. Miley, will not be delighted when notified of Mr. Souza's comments regarding a meeting his chief of staff attended at his direction – Sara Buizer will not be enthralled to learn that a meeting she chaired described as; "full of bullshit and hot air..." is on a public web site, compliments of Mr. Souza.
Mr. Miley will be non plussed to learn that Mr. Souza allowed to be posted on his MySpace comments venue, not one, but two separate postings of the N-word by another MySpace user.
All MySpace account holder's have complete discretion on what may or may not be posted on his/her MySpace page. It is unconscionable that Mr. Souza allows these racist and insensitive comments on his MySpace page.
Young Vincent Feb 8 2008 9:35 PM hahah ight then i was gonna sayy ur trippen nigga
Young Vincent Feb 19 2008 4:56 PM hey hey heyu need too bee cool out here with that language thos r fighten words nigga could get the wrong idea and wanna stretch someone out soo watched ya diggoo and im good how r u my fellow American
Referring to females in his MySpace blog(s) published on 2/6/08, a former girlfriend, this bitch; 2/12/08, a female co-worker, but is really unstable in the head....She's fucking nuts; 2/18/08, another former girlfriend, some motherfucker; is misogynist and disrespectful. I found these comments by Mr. Souza – well, un-commentable. I'm still shaking my head in utter disgust.
2/6/08 blog: Well its late, so you'll be goddamn lucky if you get anything from me right now....I had a meeting tonight that was full of bullshit and hot air...but it'll make an okay story for next weeks issue.
There was a time where I was pursuing a girl and I was almost obsessed with the thought of being with her. I still had feelings for someone else, and this girl was damn near my fucking demise. No joke. She was self destructive, and on drugs and shit...but like the jackass I am, I thought I could help her. She actually came to me one night with dilated eyes and a racing pulse, like a fucking 12 year old coming to daddy for help. What a goddamn joke.
To make a long story longer-I fell for her (or at least I think I did) and forgot my goals, objectives, values and sense for this girl who dropped me like a flaming turd for either the boyfriend (who she said) abused her or the other (she claims) cheated on her. I became blind with this asinine illusion of "what our love would be" and how I could help her be my queen.
Needless to say, I was being stupid.
In my pursuit, I neglected and betrayed my best friend (my ex) and this bitch actually gave me shit for wanting to go visit my ex's children. I feel guilty for allowing this person for doing that to me, and even more-myself for almost allowing myself to fall for that shit and do what she wanted.....This whole gut wrenching ordeal lasted months where I was told how much she loved me and needed me, but was in actuality fucking around with both of the other boyfriends. I found this out much later....
We acted out this drama for so long, I actually got used to spilling my guts to her, telling her how much I loved her and needed her. I didn't realize how wrong it was...and she sucked up the attention and affection like a pro. I honestly believed her that she loved me and kept trying to persuade her how good our relationship would be.
Time passed, and despite the advice of my closest finally took the reality of my love for someone else, did I turn this other woman only regrets are that I fell for all that and pushed myself and my true friends away for a relationship that was essentially a fucking joke.
I realize I have no one to blame but myself...and that's okay....
I sometimes think of this girl, and as the days pass-I realize the mistakes I made and I'm glad nothing of substance happened between us. I don't know if I'd call it a mistake, or me being foolish or what.....I guess I needed to learn the lesson of not using the word love casually....It bears so much more weight than I ever realized.
It's really not a horror story, because she was truly beautiful on the outside, but ugly inside....I really wasn't broken hearted.....I just felt used and foolish, and in comparison to other people who have really been fucked over-I got away fairly unscathed.
Goodnight and to you, JGH.....what comes around, goes around.
2/7/08 blog: Is television that retarded they had to remake fucking "Knight Rider" ? WTF? Are these producers and network people inbred goddamn pigfucking beasts who cannot strain their fucking little pea brains enough to come up with an original idea?What next? A fucking "Silver Spoons" or "Facts of Life" remake? Weren't they bad enough the first time?
2/8/08 blog: Are we gluttons for punishment? Why in the name of all that is good and pure does Hollywood keep allowing these ignorant inbred fucking producers cast Will Ferrell in more moronic movies?
The fucking jackass is about as funny as being tortured by a screaming banshee in a goddamn Cambodian prison. I'd honestly rather watch a buffalo fuck a weasel than watch that dipshit try to act funny.
2/10/08 blog: Is it just me or does Dave Navarro look like he could be Borat's disgusting European cousin who smells like cheese and was arrested for repeatedly inserting gerbils up his ass at the local pet shop?
2/12/08 blog: I remember when I was young, hearing people talking about working in an office, and all the bizarre shit that goes on....and now I believe it. Heres the breakdown on our office...
Helen, our Graphic Designer is WAY cool....she's stuck up for me when other people have been after me with daggers ready to strike...she's got a bit of Martha Stewart in her, but I forgive her for that....many times she gets in knock down drag out fights with,
Mary, one of our sales people....where to begin? She's a judgemental republican who (in textbook fashion) tries to convince people she's accepting of those who are different from her, but is really not. She sees a book's cover and judges it accordingly. She's got a heart in there somewhere, but she's so caught in the mire of wanting to tell everyone how to feel, and who to's unfortunately buried.
Linda, our other sales person...Is nice and keeps to herself for the most part. Mary doesn't care for her and kind of looks down on Linda because she only works part time.
Emma....the Arts and Entertainment writer thinks she's a diva, but is really unstable in the head....I constantly worry if her computer (brain) is going to vapor lock and she's going to come after me with a pencil and try to ram it in my ear. She's fucking nuts.
Jim, our new sports full of enthusiasm and energy, because he loves sports and is covering every single sports event/game he can get to, which I think is great but I hope he doesn't burn out quickly......he also has the fucking annoying trait of tapping out songs, whistling and singing butt-rock songs. If he continues on this path, I will be forced to tell him to shut the hell up.
So that's my office in a nutshell....It's certainly a diverse bunch of personalities and somehow, someway it manages to work and we get our product out every week.
2/18/08 blog: So, um yeah....Sunday was my birthday and I know most of y'all didn't even know, but for the people who did know and forgot...that shit fucking hurt.
And I normally don't make a big deal about my birthday....I don't even really know how old I really am, but for some reason, this year made a difference and I wish I could elucidate on the matter more for those who have no idea what's going on in my life, but safe to say some people who I least expected to forget my ass completely did, and It's fucked up.
But life's gotta move on, and people gotta get over shit. I hope I don't sound like I'm being a fucking baby about this....but you know when some motherfucker whose been in your life for a long time forgets your birthday-you feel like nothing. Like all those years were meaningless.
That, my friend is a pain I would not wish on my most despised enemy.....but like I said, life's gotta move on, and so do we as people.
So here I fucking go.
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